The body’s capacity for
Homeostasis, Balance, and Power
is profound in a vital state of being.
Stress, Tension & Foundational Vitality
Contemporary humans are ill-suited to contend with modern life’s intricate and pervasive stressors. The rate at which stress has been intensifying is alarming, doubling approximately every decade and compounding in its effects.
Recent scientific investigations indicate that a substantial percentage, ranging from 60 to 90 percent, of present-day illnesses can be attributed to the detrimental influence of stress.
The American Medical Association aptly describes our current situation as 'the most severe degenerative disease crisis in the annals of human existence.' Stress acts as a catalyst for the overproduction of cortisol, often referred to as the 'death hormone.' This hormone undermines the body’s ability to combat diseases and infections and accelerates aging. It is associated with undesirable outcomes such as weight gain, sleep disturbances, fertility issues, and even growth retardation in children.
Stress, however, is a highly individualized experience, with each person manifesting their unique set of warning signals. According to the American Psychological Association, some individuals may remain oblivious to the physical or emotional indicators until several hours or days have passed amidst stressful circumstances.
The significance of these stress warning signs cannot be overstated; they warrant attention rather than dismissal. By recognizing one's personal stress responses, individuals can proactively manage stress in healthier ways, allowing the body to regain equilibrium and thereby reducing the substantial toll on long-term health and associated chronic conditions.
It is noteworthy that stress-related problems account for a staggering 75 to 90 percent of visits to primary care physicians.
What is Alphabiotics?
The primary emphasis of Alphabiotics lies in addressing the root causes of stress. In mere seconds, this gentle and non-invasive manual technique transmits sensory signals to the brain, signaling that a defensive stress response is no longer required. The outcome is a decrease in muscular tension, the fortification of weak muscles, and a boost in overall energy throughout the body. Alphabiotic practitioners do not seek to manipulate the body's physiological processes. Instead, they aim to guide individuals in unlocking their full potential and leading improved, more fulfilling lives.
What can I expect in a session?
A Vital Reboot Session starts by checking in with the body and brain to measure the current state of the nervous system to determine how deep in fight or flight we are. Then, we synthesize a combination of breath meditation, the Alphabiotic alignment, acupressure and energy work in a 30-minute reboot session.
Nervous System Optimization
The nervous system serves as the body's communication network, playing a pivotal role in human life. It enables the transmission of signals between various parts of the body, allowing us to perceive and interact with our inner and outer environment.
The nervous system controls essential functions such as movement, cognition, sensation, and the regulation of bodily processes like heartbeat and digestion.
Additionally, it is instrumental in processing emotions, thoughts, and memories, making it a fundamental component of our experience, from basic physiological functions to complex cognitive and emotional aspects of life.
When we are stuck in stress our nervous system is minimized to removing the inherent threat and not basic important things like digestion, hormone regulation and healing.
This state also drives thinking patterns related to threat reduction rather than presence, gratitude, and wisdom.
Breathwork & Alphabiotics
Regular breathwork offers a multitude of benefits, both for physical and mental well-being. It can reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and decreasing the production of stress hormones.
Deep, controlled breathing enhances oxygen intake, boosting energy levels and mental clarity. Breathwork can improve lung capacity and respiratory function, making it particularly advantageous for individuals with respiratory conditions. Moreover, it can aid in better sleep, lower blood pressure, and enhance emotional regulation.
By practicing breathwork regularly, individuals can cultivate a powerful tool for promoting overall health, vitality, and emotional balance. Often, stress in the nervous system is driven by stored trauma and internal patterns.
One of the most effective ways to move the tension and stress in the body is through the breath. When we consistently move energy out of the body through breath and reboot our nervous system through alignments, we live a much greater ratio of our lives in a state free of stress, tension, and the impact of trauma.
The combination of breath and Alphabiotics as an addition to a healthy lifestyle has profound effects on all levels of well-being.